All KFC articles – Page 6

  • Delivery
    Analysis & Insight

    Delivery promiscuity in a fragmented market


    Casual dining brands are becoming more promiscuous with delivery operators, MCA analysis has revealed.

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    Steve Gotham: Recovering confidence and and accelerating growth in 2020


    Encouragingly for most, MCA predicts that 2020 will see stronger net physical increases in store portfolios across the majority of leading operators.MCA’s Operator Data Index includes over 350 branded operators with five or more outlets at December 2019. These stretch across the full spectrum of the market and account for close to 27,000 outlets which claimed modest overall year on year growth of just under 1% in 2019. We are expecting this growth rate to double to 2% in December 2020, with over 500 net new outlets to open, equating to 11 per week.

  • By Chloe

    Planting the right seeds for sustained growth


    Veganism has been labelled the megatrend of the next decade and the statistics back up this claim. Last month, more than 400,000 people signed up to this year’s Veganuary campaign, a 60% increase on last year, fuelled by shows such as Netflix’ recent “Game Changers” documentary. Whilst uptake of pure vegans has increased markedly, there’s also a very large market out there for people that simply want to reduce their meat intake, whether that is for environmental or perceived health reasons, rather than just animal welfare reasons. Sainsbury’s recent Future of Food report, which looks ahead to 2025, predicts 25% of adults will be either be vegan or vegetarian by then, with the proportion of ‘flexitarians’ set to rise to 50%.

  • Terry Harrison @ Busaba
    Analysis & Insight

    Bangkok bounce back?


    Once the darling of the Thai restaurant scene, Busaba has had a tough few years, with falling profits and site closures. Now with a simplified offer and a fresh focus on the capital, it’s looking to bounce back

  • Food to go
    Analysis & Insight

    Top 10 F2G brands grow market share


    The top 10 Food To Go brands grew sales by 3.4% in 2019 to a market share of 33.6%, outperforming the wider Food to Go (FTG) market, MCA Insight reveals.

  • pizzaexpress

    Casual Dining back in growth in 2020


    The leading casual dining brands are set to return to growth of around 1% in 2020, according to MCA Insight. The growth was largely due to a combination of inflationary pressures easing, and the stablising political climate boosting consumer confidence, it said. The sample of 250 casual dining brands, from large operators like KFC down to smaller operators like Flat Iron, found growth would return in 2020 after declines of -3.5% and -2.8% across 2018 and 2019.

  • KFC's new design in Bracknell

    KFC sales up


    KFC UK has seen a sales uplift of 11% for its fourth quarter ended 31 December 2019.

  • RROTY 2020

    Retailers’ Retailer full nominees list revealed


    The finalists for MCA’s Retailers’ Retailer Awards 2020 have been announced, with the cohort reflecting a diverse and vibrant range of eating and drinking out operators.

  • Greggs drive thru

    Greggs voted top fast food brand by YouGov


    Greggs has been ranked ‘top’ and ‘most improved’ brand in the fast food and pubs sector of YouGov’s 2019 BrandIndex Buzz survey.

  • Martin Shuker

    Shuker leaves KFC


    Martin Shuker, managing director of KFC Western Europe, has announced his decision to retire after nearly three years in the role.

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    Veganuary operator offering round-up


    Once again, Veganuary is upon us, and with the number of vegans more than doubling to 600,000 between 2016 and 2019, this year’s operator offering is bigger than ever. 

  • PizzaExpress at Welcome Break

    Review of the Year part One


    Amid a backdrop of casual dining carnage and CVAs around every corner, the industry had plenty of news in 2019. But Pizza Express delivered drama. With 490 sites in the UK, Pizza Express is a national institution. So when it announced a net debt pile of £1.1bn earlier this year, and premature rumours of its demise hit the airwaves, the country rallied itself in the way it does best these days – by keyboard.

  • bus
    Analysis & Insight

    Mixing politics with advertising: a risk worth taking?


    What do politicians and fast food have in common? No, not a new deal every day and a tendency to fall slightly short of what the menu promises, but cause to print a huge Whopper on the side of a bus, apparently. In a world where an advertisement for Iceland that dared to criticise palm oil is met with uproar and banned for being ‘too political,’ brand engagement with political debate may seem like something best avoided.

  • News

    Flyt co-founders depart company


    Flyt co-founders Tom Weaver and Chris Evans are leaving day to day leadership roles at the payments technology company, MCA understands.

  • KFC

    KFC ads banned over ‘cluck’ row


    Two print ads for KFC have been banned after the ASA agreed with complaints that it had substituted the word ‘Cluck’ for ‘Fuck’ during a recent campaign. A poster displayed at bus stops and other locations during September featured the phrase “What the cluck?! £1.99 fill up lunch” while print ads in the Metro and the Sun were identical except one featured the elongated word “cluuuuuck”.

  • deliveroo ad

    Another Deliveroo ad banned for misleading customers


    The ASA has banned a recent Deliveroo TV ad for misleading consumers. The ad showed a woman receiving a Deliveroo order to her home, then handing out meals from various restaurants to her family and friends from a single bag, calling out “Chinese, KFC, Wagamama, Greek salad, Pizza Express, Burger King, Five Guys, Doner, Buon Giorno Italiano, prawn crackers…” before disappearing into the bag.

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    Analysis & Insight

    Delivery market grows 18% to £8.4bn


    The delivery market is valued at £8.4bn in 2019, up 18% year-on-year, MCA analysis reveals.

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    The transformational potential of rebranding and remodelling


    Embarking on a rebranding or remodelling programme may seem like a sure-fire way to reinvigorate your business, but there are many aspects to consider if you want to get it right, explains brand strategy consultant Ian Dunstall.

  • Artesian-Lunch04

    Paul UK: ‘The brand has huge untapped potential’


    The development of a franchise operation for Paul UK is high up on the agenda for its new chief executive Mark Hilton. He talks exclusively to MCA about the development of its new café format, current performance and tapping into the evening day part.

  • Beyond Burger at Honest burgers

    The meat might be fake, but the science isn’t


    With global sales of meat alternatives predicted to grow from 1% to 10% of total consumption over the next decade, operators should not ignore the generational shift in the way consumers think about food and how it’s produced, writes MCA contributing editor Peter Martin.