Hollie Mills, founder of Forty5 Marketing, explores how a strong social media strategy is helping fast-growing Blank Street attract and engage a loyal customer following


In today’s digital age, a strong social media strategy is vital for any business looking to build a loyal customer base and stand out in a crowded market. Blank Street, a budding coffee brand, perfectly demonstrates how to tap into the power of social media to not only attract but also engage and retain a powerful following.

Aesthetic Brilliance


The visual appeal of Blank Street’s branding is undeniable and serves as a powerful magnet for new customers. In the social media landscape, where attention spans are short and competition for engagement is high, an attractive aesthetic can be a game-changer. Blank Street leverages this by curating a feed filled with beautifully shot images of their coffee and inviting shop interiors. This visual consistency not only makes their brand instantly recognisable but also creates a desire to experience their products firsthand.

Aesthetic appeal is particularly vital for coffee shops, where the experience is as much about the ambiance and presentation as it is about the quality of the coffee. Blank Street understands this dynamic and uses it to their advantage, ensuring that every post is visually pleasing.

This strategy not only draws in potential customers but also encourages them to share their own photos, further amplifying the brand’s reach.

Community-Driven Content


Blank Street excels in involving their customers and community in their content strategy. By prominently featuring happy customers and user-generated content (UGC), they create a relatable and authentic brand image. This approach allows potential customers to see real people enjoying Blank Street’s products, fostering a sense of trust and community. When users see people similar to themselves featured on the brand’s social media, they are more likely to feel a connection and become part of the Blank Street experience.

User-generated content is an extremely powerful tool in social media marketing. It not only provides fresh and diverse content but also acts as a testimonial from real users, enhancing credibility. Blank Street encourages their customers to share their experiences, often reposting these on their own channels. This not only validates the customers’ experiences but also shows that they value and appreciate their community.

Integrating into Daily Routines


Another key aspect of Blank Street’s social media strategy is creating posts that seamlessly integrate visits to their coffee shops into their customers’ daily routines. By aligning their content with the everyday lives of their audience, Blank Street makes their brand a part of their followers’ lifestyle. Posts that mimic daily schedules and to-do lists, with a visit to Blank Street included, resonate with the audience’s day-to-day activities and subtly suggest that stopping by their coffee shop should be part of their routine.

Relatable and Modern Tone

Blank Street’s captions are another critical element of their social media success. They consistently use a relatable, modern tone that speaks directly to their younger, Gen Z audience. In a digital landscape where authenticity and relatability are highly valued, Blank Street’s conversational and approachable language resonates well with their target demographic.

By tailoring their tone to match the preferences of their audience, Blank Street ensures that their messages are well received. This modern, relatable approach helps to build a strong connection with their followers, making them feel understood and valued.

The Recipe for Social Media Success

Blank Street’s social media strategy is a testament to the power of aesthetic appeal, community involvement, relatability, and consistent branding. By focusing on these elements, Blank Street has successfully built a loyal community of followers who not only engage with the brand but also actively promote it.

Their approach offers valuable lessons for any brand looking to enhance their social media strategy. By prioritising aesthetic consistency, community engagement and relatability, Blank Street has crafted a social media presence that not only attracts but also retains a passionate and engaged following.